Thursday, January 25, 2007

One Month so Soon

Wow, I just realized yesterday marked the one month anniversary for Will's Way. I'm quite suprised, actually. When I started this blog, I figured it was probably just a whim and I would give it up within a few posts. However, Ive found it rather enjoyable. I know I don't have a huge reader base, but for only being linked on 3 or 4 other sites, Im glad that Ive reached over 500 unique hits in the first month (I know, that's laughable compared to most, but I'm happy with it). All I can say is, Thanks to everyone who reads. You're the main reason i continue to write. Now that I feel a bit more dedicated, Im going to try and grow my base, and ask any readers who blog to consider linking my site on their sidebars. I will be more than happy to respond in kind. And anyone who has suggestions on how to make my blog better, please feel free to comment. I love constructive criticism. Again, thanks to everyone who continues to read. I hope you all keep clicking in from time to time.


about a boy said...


S said...

Just listen to your heart, and your blog will follow accordingly.

How's that for schmaltzy?