Thursday, March 1, 2007

Tulips Are Better Than No Lips

During a very unseasonably warm January, my 3 year old tulip bed awoke a bit early for the season. Since then it has been quite cold and they've remained idle in their growth. March is here now, and I think they are aware of it. It has already started warming up in Nashville and I swear I think they have grown a little since yesterday. Unfortunately, it looks like only two or three of the hyacinths are returning this year. They were decimated by a ravenous possum and his chipmunk buddy who dug most of them up for breakfast last fall. Apparently, tulip bulbs aren't as tasty, as they all appear to be intact. I think the possum met his fate on the road a few months back, but I occasionally catch sight of that pesky chipmunk. I hope to keep the tulip growth documented here until they bloom and die off, so everyone can enjoy their beauty.


about a boy said...
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about a boy said...

so pretty. im scared mine died with last weeks snow storm. i really hope not! and those damn squirrels. i wish the cats that laze around the house would do something about them!