Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Goodbye, Old Friends

No, I'm not going anywhere. Will's Way continues on. I guess part of being active in the blogosphere is enjoying the other blogs you read, while accepting the fact that many will not last forever. Ive had to de-link a few due to their closing (and so I'll stop clicking on them only to find the same farewell post over and over). Goodbye to Micifus (he's been gone for a while now, but I was hoping for a surprise post). Adios to The Accidental Activist (I'm glad he reached a point where he was wanting to get to). And, Aufwiedersehen to Uncut and Unadulterated (he simply just vanished after not posting for awhile). Oh well, that's the way it goes.

On the plus side, seeing them go allows me to fill their time with other blogs that I never had time to read. Tim referred me to one that I think I'll like, and I'm looking for a few more to get to know. If anyone has any they may think I'd enjoy, let me know.


Jeff said...

Hey Will -- thanks for the comment. I'll have to check yours out sometime soon. I have a good friend who lives in Nashville and likes the Preds as well. have a good one.

about a boy said...

im so glad i wasnt byebye'd!